Canning's Cream Eggs

Created by jason deverell 11 years ago
A couple of years back, around October time, Canning pitched up at work with several boxes of Cadbury's Cream Eggs. Apparently he'd been in a local shop and had spotted "the bargain of the century". The "out-of-season" (not "out-of-date" Mark was at pains to make clear) Cream Eggs were about 10p each so Mr C invested in 200 or so! I have no idea how he explained his thinking to Manuela, but within days he'd brought about 150 of them to work to share with everyone and any visit to Canning's desk was met with "help yourself to a cream egg for your troubles". There are only so many cream eggs any adult can stomach and the stock of Canning's Cream Egg seemed to last forever. Mark was one of life's fun people and funny things happened with him, around him and to him. He was great to know and to be around. I'm sure for many of us the enduring memory of Mr C will be of his beaming smile and his frequent, contagious laughter.